Quarter Of Young People Say They Would Have Sex With AI Robot

Screen Capture: RUPTLY TV

For young people, sex with humans is becoming blasé. Among people under 30, one in four says they are open to a relationship with an AI droid, according to a recent survey from a tech company. One quarter of the participants also state that they would have sex with the robots.

The cybersecurity company asked 1,000 Germans aged 16 to 30 about their perception on devices powered by artificial intelligence—finding 26 percent of young people can imagine falling in love with an AI robot specifically programmed to meet their needs. A quarter of them would consider having sex with a human-like droid, with the proportion of men nearly two times higher than women. Almost a third of the participants believe they can find their ideal human partners with the help of artificial intelligence, while 27 percent of them believe that romantic relationships created by AI can last longer.

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Check out more about a survey finding a quarter of young people would have sex with an AI robot: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9250213/A-quarter-young-people-say-sex-AI-device.html

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