Rent a Dungeon With the New AirBNB For Kinksters

Ever run into the problem of wanting to take a kinky vacation but not wanting to deal with the hassle of going through airport security with whips, chains, and various other sex toys? Well, a new kinky alternative to AirBNB called (appropriately) KinkBNB has your perfect solution. KinkBNB will offer its adventurous guests sex-positive, kink-friendly accommodations in desirable vacation locales at any budget.

KinkBNB’s founder, Darren McKeeman, told The Huffington Post that he started the business after a friend was rejected by AirBNB “because there were sex toys visible in the photos.” So now, as of May 1, if you’re looking for a great house to host an orgy, look no further than KinkBNB! In fact, one listing in L.A has that naughty convenience and a dungeon (but not an air conditioner!). Another listing for a “Kinky West Coast Getaway” on Vancouver Island has a custom spanking bench, a hot sex swing, and a massage table!

Looking for a naughty getaway yourself? You don’t need to take a vacation for that—come get your kink on right here with us at NiteFlirt!

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