Researchers Explain Why You Giggle Or Sneeze After Orgasm

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_maleorgasmDo you ever laugh, sneeze, or cry after orgasm? If so, it turns out you may be experiencing a phenomenon called the peri-orgasm, or uncontrollable psychological or physical sensations after sex. While “losing control” during climax is definitely a pleasurable aspect of sex, with peri-orgasm, unpleasant flu-like symptoms can occur and last for days.

“It is not clear how common it is, but one small study highlighted by researchers who reported their findings in the Sexual Medicines Review found that ten out of 47 women had such responses,” reports Daily Mail UK. The most common symptom for men is sneezing, but more insidious after-effects can include migraine headaches, panic attacks, and even hallucinations or altered consciousness. Researchers believe such behavior is caused by misfires in the nervous system, when the parasympathetic nervous system sends signals to the wrong places. The report said: ‘The diversity of the phenomena is notable, and they have little in common other than that they all relate to the physiology of orgasm.’ When orgasming goes wrong…

Looking for some pleasurable sensations? We can definitely make you lose control here!

Check out more about why you sneeze or laugh after sex:

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