Robot Sex: the Future of Sex?


It seems that having sex with robots may be in our future. A new report written by futurologist Dr. Ian Pearson claims that sex between robots and humans will be more common than sex between two people by 2050. According to The Daily Beast, Pearson “purports that engaging in virtual sex acts will be as prevalent in 2030 as our engagement with porn today, and that the majority of people will own sex toys that employ an alternate reality in some way come 2035.”

Pearson predicts that eventually humans will adapt to the strangeness of AI lovin’ (i.e, “robophilia”) and begin to form emotional and intimate bonds with robots. He also thinks that technology will play a much bigger role in our bedrooms: “We’ll get technology to let you share experiences, inhabit other people’s bodies, even lock them in place or control them electronically.” In short, the future of sex is looking pretty sexy—especially in the way that robot sex will allow us to experience love and pleasure in safer and stranger ways.

Feel like having some reality-bending experiences yourself? Let’s do the time-warp again!

The Daily Beast’s article can be found here.

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