Russia’s First Sex Robot Brothel Opens For The World Cup

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_robotsRussia’s first sex doll brothel has opened in Moscow to attract new clients attending the World Cup—both fans and players alike. The Dolls Hotel offers guests an array of realistic sex dolls to choose from at a cost of around £60 an hour. “We are now getting special permission to welcome foreign visitors,” a spokesman for the brothel said. “As for the players – if they are allowed by their coaches and managers, we will only welcome them.”

The sexbots are described as “warm with mechanical movements and an artificial brain.” Guests can choose between dolls with different “personalities,” like Lolita who’s described as “independent, self-sufficient and always ready for everything,” or Natasha who is  “the true personification of femininity and tenderness – shy and obedient, with a nice smile.” One Russian client was very pleased with the Dolls Hotel, saying “The orgasm is brighter and longer than with a real woman.” The hotel’s owners say that a sex doll brothel is a healthy way for people to improve their sex lives without the guilt involved in cheating.

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Check out more about Russia’s first sex doll brothel:

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