Scientists Invent Self-Lubricating Super-Condom

9741737763_d422cd07c8_zThe future is now—in the form of a slick super-condom. Scientists at Boston University have developed a futuristic condom that forms its own lube and lasts for up to “1,000 thrusts.” The research team was one of 11 that received $100,000 grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2013 to improve on classic prophylactics, and the self-lubricating design is the latest to emerge from the contest.

When the condom is, ahem, exposed to wetness, hydrophilic polymers react to make the surface slick. “Unlike traditional condoms that lose lube during friction, this version continues to get slippery with exposure to moisture. It’ll more than outlast most users — a typical romp in the sack takes just 100 to 500 thrusts,” reports NY Post. And because the self-lubing version creates less friction, the chances of the condom breaking are significantly reduced. Slippery-when-wet-condom here we come!

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Check out more about a new super-condom:

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