Scientists Say Humans Will Be Having Lots Of Sex In Self-Driving Cars

NiteFlirt_best_Phone _Sex_engagement in the carA new scientific study claims humans will be able to do a whole lot more than just sleep and eat in their self-driving cars. The paper published in the Annals of Tourism Research concludes that the increased time people spend in autonomous vehicles will result in a surge of car sex. With one recent study finding that close to 60 percent of all Americans have had sex in a car, the study’s author argues it’s “not a big leap” to suggest that the practice will only increase.

“That led us to think, besides sleeping, what other things will people do in cars when free from the task of driving?” the author said. He added that the sex industry will also naturally move to self-driving cars: “It’s not impossible or that far-fetched to imagine the red light district on the move.” He also thinks that car manufacturers might start designing their vehicle cabins around sex in the near future.

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