Searching ‘Lesbian’ On Google No Longer Shows Porn First

Image Credit: The Daily Dot,

After years of Googling ‘lesbian’ and getting porn in the search results, the search engine has finally changed its algorithm to show educational material first. Google implemented this change in response to mounting criticism, particularly in France. “Critics argued that by placing pornography and other sexualized images of lesbians before their history or other informative content, Google contributed to a culture that oversexualizes lesbians and treats them as entertainment,” explains Daily Dot.

A Twitter user was the first to call out Google during Pride month when, even with a Stonewall remembrance banner atop the page, the top search results for “lesbian” linked to porn. Google’s vice president of search engine quality later said the search results for the term lesbian, “are terrible, there is no doubt about it.” While Google never made an official announcement, the Twitter user who first called out Google tweeted that the Wikipedia page for lesbians is now the top search result.

But hey, looking for some good X-rated material? We’ve got just what you’re searching for here at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about how searching for ‘lesbian’ on Google no longer shows porn first:

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