Sex Boosts Memory, New Study Finds

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sex9Here’s another reason to have more sex: it boosts memory, according to new research. Researchers analyzed two years of data on more than 6,000 adults aged 50 and over, and overwhelmingly found that those who have more sex were better at recalling recent events. “The researchers said this study, and previous studies in mice, suggest sex boosts memory by stimulating the growth of neurons in the hippocampus, a part of the brain that is activated when episodic and spatial memory tasks are performed,” reports Daily Mail.

The research establishing that sex enhances memory was first performed on mice, but this study is the first time it’s been confirmed with humans. Participants completed a memory test and a questionnaire where they reported how often they had sex, kissed, or sexually touched a partner. As with mice, humans who fucked on a regular basis fared much better when it came to recalling episodic memories.

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Check out more about the study that shows sex boosts memory:

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