Sex Helps You Get Pregnant and Fight a Cold

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sex9Sex seems to be nature’s miracle: it helps head aches, stomach aches, boosts happiness and well-being, and now, according to two new studies, has proven to help women conceive and fight a cold! Newsweek reported on two papers that show sex can boost the immune system and can increase a woman’s chance of getting pregnant even if she’s getting laid during infertile times. So, basically, if you’re trying to have a baby (and hate getting sick), having a lot of sex is your best bet!

This is because the healthy cells that get built up in sexually active women to help them conceive also boosts the immune system, which helps the body fight off infections and illness. Frisky ladies also have more white blood cells and antibodies, helpful for fighting off “bacteria, viruses and other microbes.” In other words, their bodies go into protective mode in case of pregnancy—which is why the ladies who weren’t getting laid did not have the same antibodies as those who were. This finding shows that couples don’t need to wait for peak ovulation times to try and get pregnant—the best course of action is just to go at it as much as possible!

Feeling a bit frisky yourself? We are all about getting laid as often as possible!

Check out more about how sex helps women get pregnant and fight a cold here.

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