Sex In Europe Is Different From Sex In The US

It’s no secret that Europe is way less uptight about sex than the US. This was highlighted by a Reddit thread where a user asked Europeans to share some “sexual normalities” in their countries. Here’s what they said:

  1. “From my experience growing up in Sweden, it was more normal for guys to go down on girls than girls to go down on guys.”
    Cheers to the Swedes!
  2. “Because of the poor insulation and design in England, it is normal to hear your neighbors having sex.”
    That would NOT fly in the US…
  3. “In France, people who have sex together don’t necessarily need to label every kind of physical/romantic relationship. You can be friends with someone and have romantic moments, then go back to being platonic.”
    Sexual freedom for the win!
  4. “Public sex is a very normal thing here in the UK. Look up ‘Dogging’ — it’s a massive thing nowadays.”
  5. “I don’t get why the US is scared of nudity. It’s almost like stereotypical Victorian era folk. Meanwhile, my boyfriend and I (not to mention our roommates) hang out naked whenever we can. The US would freak out over this.”
    It’s true.
  6. “Uncircumcised penises. I have only ever seen circumcised penises in porn. I find it weird that Americans are not only used to seeing them, but some will refuse to have sex with someone with an uncircumcised penis because they don’t find it aesthetically pleasing.”
  7. “You can change into your bikini without a towel at a public beach and no one will die.”
    Or get arrested…

Do you support sexual liberation? NiteFlirt is basically Europe!

Check out more ways the US is different from Europe when it comes to sex:

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