Sex Makes You Better At Your Job, Study Says 

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sex9We all know sex is good for the mind, body, and soul, but new evidence suggests it can actually help you perform better at work, too. According to a psychology study at Oregon State University, fucking at home makes you do better at the office. Researchers surveyed 159 married couples, who largely reported a “morning positive effect” at work the next day after a night of good sex.

There was even a correlation between nightly banging and high job satisfaction, low stress levels, and marital satisfaction. While it’s unclear whether the people in the study were simply happier and therefore had more sex and more job satisfaction, or if having sex led them to do better at work, the study is further proof that there are undeniably positive benefits of getting laid. “This is a reminder that sex has social, emotional and physiological benefits, and it’s important to make it a priority,” the lead author of the study said. “Just make time for it.”

Looking for some “satisfaction” yourself? Come make pleasure a priority right here!

Check out more about the study that shows sex can make you better at your job:

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