Sex Robots May Soon Be Able To Turn Down Sex

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_robotThe inventor of the sex robot “Samantha” is now working on a version of the bot with the ability to say no. That is, she can switch into an unresponsive “dummy mode” if she’s not in the mood. Samantha has under-skin sensors that may soon be able to detect when she’s being touched in a disrespectful or overly aggressive way, or if she is simply bored.

If Samantha’s not into it, she’d become just a regular sex doll without AI, touch-sensitive capabilities. Right now, she can operate in one of two different modes: In sex mode, the robot enables a sensor-filled G-spot to simulate an orgasm. Samantha also, interestingly, has a family mode in which it can tell jokes or spout motivational quotes. Samantha’s creator credits her with saving his marriage, and plans to make an AI male sexbot in the not-too-distant future.

Looking for a unique experience? There’s never a “dummy mode” here on NiteFlirt!

Check out more about sexbots being able to turn down sex:

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