Sexpert Helps Others ‘Evolve Their Sex IQ’

The author of “Smart Sex” says training your brain is the key to a satisfying sex life. “Once you’re able to integrate your brain with your body, through understanding your sexual intelligence quotient, or Sex IQ, you’ll be having the hottest sex and orgasms with yourself and your partner,” she says. The adults-only IQ is a collection of information that helps people to identify, communicate and fulfill their ever-evolving sexual wants and needs.

“By evolving your Sex IQ,” she writes in her book, “you’ll be able to tune into what’s happening in your own body—and why—and really understand and be intentional about your own sex life.” She says her approach helped her reach a personal record of 23 orgasms in one night: “My sex life has improved 100% because I realized it’s not some magical thing that’s good when it’s good and that will fix itself once the magic wanes.” She added, “It’s about knowing where I am sexually, and expressing that to my partner.”

Want to have better sex? Come evolve your Sex IQ with us!

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