Sexually Active Older Adults Seem To Be Smarter, According To Research knows that fucking is good for you. And now a recent study suggests that sex is especially good for older adults—particularly their cognitive functioning. The study recruited frisky older people, aged 50 to 83, and asked them questions about their sexual activity. Then it measured how well they performed on cognitive tests.

According to the study, when the older folks performed tests related to attention, memory, and other cognitive functions, “the ability to articulate oneself, and the ability to determine how objects relate to each other in space increased the more people performed sexual acts,” reports Gizmodo. The study has even more credibility because it’s a replication study of another performed last year by the same team. So there you have it, grandmas and grandpas—getting it on makes you smarter!

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Check out more about the study which shows sexually active older folks seem to be smarter:

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