Shoe Smelling Fetish – oh ya!

On TLC’s “Strange Sex,” viewers were introduced to a man with a pretty unusual fetish—a stinky shoe fetish! It’s true that when it comes to fetishes, nothing is really that unusual, but even for foot fetishists, a stinky shoe fetish is a bit out there. While every foot fetishist has very specific preferences for what turns them on (high heels, red nail polish, one toe longer than the other), a stinky pair of shoes is not often one of them.


But then there’s Mark, a foot fetishist who spends around 40 percent of his day smelling women’s stinky shoes. He gets most of his fetish items from his female friends (he could just try dumpster diving?), and he had this to say about the type of shoe he’s looking for to satisfy his fetish: “The ideal pair would be really worn or a couple years old.” He explained, “What I like the most is a real sweat smell.”

To each their own, right? What turns you on? We’ve got everything you need right here to satisfy your kink!

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