Someone Sent the Oregon Militants a Bag of Dicks

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_zombieYou might remember hearing about a group of militants taking over an Oregon wildlife refuge. You know, the one being called “Y’All Qaeda” and “Vanilla ISIS” on social media. Well, now they have a new recruiting video featuring a militant named Jon Ritzheimer—but the real star of the clip is a bag of dicks (watch below).

The group has been calling on the public to send them essential, survivalist supplies, such as French vanilla coffee creamer, Miracle Whip, hair conditioner and pillowcases. But as Ritzheimer points out in the video, some people are responding to the plea not with necessary supplies, but with other “hateful stuff”—which apparently includes dildos, and as Ritzheimer calls one package, “a bag of dicks.” “It’s really ridiculous,” Ritzheimer complains. “Rather than going out and doing good, they just spend all their money on hate and hate and hate and hate.” We don’t know, sending a bag of dicks seems like a pretty great way to show love and support to us!

Looking to have some rugged experiences yourself? We’ve got all the best “supplies” for that right here!

Check out the video of an Oregon militant getting sent a bag of dicks here:

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