Studies Reveal The Link Between Sex Drive and Birth Control 

Two studies published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine finally put to bed the myth that birth control can kill a woman’s sex drive. While it’s true that some women do experience a lower sex drive on the Pill, researchers concluded that several factors are more important when it comes to a woman’s libido. Researchers focused on women in long-term, monogamous, heterosexual relationships, and measured their desire for solo sex versus their desire for sex with a partner to see how their relationship choices affected their sex drive in conjunction with being on birth control.

The study found that women on non-hormonal birth control had a higher solitary sex drive and that women on hormonal birth control had a higher desire for sex with a partner. It also found that, “while birth control did have an effect on sex drive for some women, relationship length and age were much stronger predictors of sexual desire than the type of contraception a woman was on,” reports Bustle. Researchers admit that drawing conclusions about women’s desire can be tricky, but that the study ultimately “sheds light on how different types of contraception can affect our sexual appetite and desire.”

Have a healthy sexual appetite yourself? Come explore your desire right here!

Check out more about the link between contraception and sex drive on Bustle’s website here.

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