Study Finds (Just the Right Amount of) Sex Will Make You Happy

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_havingsexThe link between sex and happiness has been well established. Like that famous study which found that increasing the frequency of sex from once a month to once a week increased happiness to the same extent as having an extra $50,000 in the bank! But as it turns out, this study and others like it are missing a very important piece to the sex/happiness theory: what’s more important, quantity or quality? A new study conducted at Carnegie Mellon University sought to answer this.

The study asked 64 straight couples to double the amount they fucked each week and then to fill out a series of questionnaires ranking how happy they were. What the study found, somewhat surprisingly, was that more sex did not equal more happiness—in fact, the participants were less happy, especially in terms of the quality of the sex and their energy and enthusiasm. One of the study’s researchers, Dr. Loewenstein, had this piece of advice as the takeaway for the experiment: concentrate on quality rather than quantity if you want to increase your happiness. It’s about pleasure, not frequency; those who like the sex they’re having will want to have it more, which will (obviously) help their mood.

Feel like increasing your happiness? We are all about quality experiences here!

Check out more about the study here.

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