Study Finds Most Straight Women are Turned on By Naked Men and Women

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sexhoursA new study is further evidence that sexual identifications like straight, gay, and bi are complex and muddy terms. The study found that most straight women are aroused by images of both naked men and women. “Eighty-two percent of the female participants—and 74 percent of the women who identify as straight—exhibited arousal to both sexes,” Slate reported. So is this proof that women cannot be straight?

Well, not exactly. In scientific terms, an attraction to both genders does technically mean that you’d be considered bi-sexual. But this definition only takes into account one’s sexual identification, not one’s romantic identification. In other words, bi-sexual people are not only attracted to both sexes, but they’d want to date both sexes. While straight women might become aroused by seeing naked images of both sexes (which is largely a physiological response because of the way women’s brains are wired), they don’t necessarily want to act on their feelings of sexual desire. Mainly, this study shows how slippery and confusing sexual orientation can be—and how sexually versatile women are!

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Check out more about the study that found straight women are aroused by naked men and women here.

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