Study Shows Condoms Don’t Make Men Lose Their Boners

losnupoHave you ever blamed a condom for making you lose your boner? Well, new evidence shows the condom is not the culprit after all. A study that surveyed around 500 straight guys aged 18-24 found that the ones who thought the condom was making them go soft were more likely to be suffering from general erectile dysfunction regardless of whether they used a condom or not. It seems the problem isn’t physical but psychological.

One 24-year old thought the condom was making him lose sensitivity, which in turn made him lose his erection—and that only added to the pressure and self-consciousness he felt to perform. One researcher of the study explained, “men who first experience loss of erection when they use condoms might worry about [difficulty] experiencing erections more generally and hence be more vulnerable [to erectile problems].” To make matters worse, a third of the participants didn’t know how to properly put on a condom: “They’re a struggle to put on, especially after a few drinks, and then usually end up inside out, so have to be reapplied by which time either you’ve gone floppy or it’s just horrendously awkward and the moment is lost,” the 24-year old said. Well, besides de-villainizing condoms, this study proves one thing for sure: the importance and need for better sexual education.

Feel like having some positive sexual experiences yourself? We can definitely help you keep your boner here!

You can check out more about the condom-associated boner problem here.

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