Study Shows Watching Porn Promotes Safe Sex

condompinConsidering porn’s bad rap, especially Utah’s recent denouncement of it as an “epidemic,” many wouldn’t believe that adult entertainment actually promotes safe sex. But the porn industry just got a pretty unlikely endorsement—from science! A new study released by Columbia University shows that gay men who watch porn are actually sexually healthier than those who don’t.

The study surveyed 265 men who have sex with men, finding that those who watched porn were more likely to practice safe sex. “Among the 92 percent who reported watching condomless porn, nearly half admitted that the images had influenced them to have condomless sex. The men agreed that pornography depicting safe sex encouraged them to wear a condom as well,” reports the Daily Beast. What this means is that despite porn being labeled as “detrimental” and “dangerous,” it has the potential to help people to practice safe sex. So instead of denouncing porn, perhaps policy makers should be trying to positively influence behavior by making more sexually explicit images available. Thank you, science!

Want to have a sexy and positive experience? Come keep it safe with us!

Check out more about the study that shows watching porn promotes safe sex here:

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