Successful Male Contraceptive Gel Trial Bodes Well For New Form of Birth Control 

bieberA success trial in male contraceptive gel has yielded promising results for a new form of birth control. The product, Vasalgel, is a completely reversible, less invasive form of vasectomy, and the latest study in primates has proven 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. It works by injecting a blob of gel into the sperm-carrying tube (vas deferens), which then acts as a long-lasting barrier, much like the IUD for women.

The procedure, which can be easily reversed by flushing out the gel with a simple solution, would create one of the only viable options for reliable and reversible male contraception that we’ve seen in decades. Since the procedure does not interfere with sperm production and hormone levels, there are no side-effects—sperm production continues, “but rather than being ejaculated, it dissolves and is naturally absorbed by the body,” explains the Guardian. Scientists are confident that, “Chances are, it’s going to be effective in humans.” A human trial is expected to start soon.

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