Suzanne Somers Fucks Three Times A Day During The Pandemic

Suzanne Somers has been keeping busy during the pandemic. The “Three’s Company” star once again discussed her active sex life, saying she’s been “having a lot of sex” while in quarantine with her husband. “I’m in the mood. He’s in the mood. Sometimes it’s once a day. Sometimes later in the day, you’re in the mood again because what are you going to do during this pandemic?” she said.

“But what time is it, like noon? I’ve had sex with him three times so far today. What is it about 4:30 in the morning that suddenly, there he is? I’m going, ‘Could you just wait until the sun comes up?’” she adds. Somers revealed racy details about her sex life while isolated due to the pandemic, saying, “I have a husband who I inject every Tuesday with testosterone and Wednesday’s a very good day.”

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Check out more about Suzanne Somers having sex three times a day during the pandemic:

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