Phone sex is not the only thing callers are calling for when they call a phone sex company. Many people not in the business would not understand this. Some callers are seeking an audience of sorts. Maybe they are too shy to go perform at a local bar or club, and they like to show off their skills. Some callers have sung songs over the phone, played the guitar, recited poetry they’ve written, revealed their hopes and dreams. Other callers have asked me to sing to them, sent me lyrics they have rewritten to popular songs, or just songs they like. One asked me to sing “Hound Dog” by Elvis Presley!
Some callers that are lonely even want you to tell them you love them, and they like to say it to you as well. Not all phone sex ladies are comfortable doing that and will not. To some of us, it’s like an actress reading their lines, and just part of the business. If it can make someone feel better and there’s no harm, why not? They likely haven’t heard those words in a long time to be paying a stranger to say them to them.
Some are just calling for general conversation that is non sexual. Those kinds of calls are like an oasis in the desert, very welcome. To just have a genuine conversation with someone and talk about things is really wonderful, and the time flies during those types of calls. Many people underestimate just how lonely some people are, so we really are providing an invaluable service here. We can offer advice when ones tell us their problems, and we hope for the best. So yes, this is a phone sex platform, and it’s mostly naughty talk that’s going on here, but there’s many more conversations that take place on NiteFlirt beyond phone sex!