Television Kills Your Sex Life, New Study Finds

LessSexHere’s a good reason to pawn your TV: people who own televisions are six percent less likely to have sex in any given week, new research suggests. According to scientists from the University of Delaware, people around the world are showing “willingness to substitute electronic companionship for human companionship.” What’s more, the researchers speculate that six percent is probably a “conservative estimate.”

They claim that “television is associated with sex life morbidity,” while smartphones may actually be “the real sex-life killer.” The study looked at data from nearly four million people in 80 countries, finding the average person had sex just three times a month in 2010, compared to five in 1990. The study’s lead researcher singled out the popular HBO series Game of Thrones, pointing out that TV used to “close down at 10.30pm” with couples having “nothing else to do.”

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Check out more about the study that shows TV kills your sex life:

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