The 10 Most Awkward Sex Confessions

15929936930_14a78eca47_mLet’s face it, most of us have an embarrassing sex story. Or if not a story, then at least a moment. Recently, anonymous people from around the web took to Whisper to share their most awkward sex confessions. And as you can imagine, what they have to say is pretty cringeworthy—and hilarious! Here are the 10 most awkward sex confessions.

  1. The most embarrassing moment of my life was when I accidentally mooed during sex…”
    Well, who hasn’t made the occasional animal noise? That just means you’re really enjoying yourself!
  2. I once held my own hand during sex.”
    We all need a little self love every now and again!
  3. Once when I was having sex with this guy, his parents texted us to be quiet.”
    “Dave, this is mom and dad. We’re glad that you have a new friend to play with, but we need you to keep it down. Okay, hun? Dinner’s in 30.”
  4. My boyfriend moaned his cat’s name during sex.”
    This gives new meaning to the expression “feline friend”…
  5. I once broke somebody’s arm during sex. That was the last time I saw her.”
    This is why we have safe words, people!
  6. Once I had a cold and I made a sound like Chewbacca while I was having sex.”
    Chewie needs love, too!
  7. I answered a phone call from my dad in the middle of sex…”
    Was he calling to ask you to keep it down? Cause you didn’t answer his and mom’s text from before?
  8. My fwb whispered ‘come baby’ in my ear when we were having sex. I just thought of him as a sloth and got creeped out.”
    Is that what sloth’s whisper during sex? We’ll never think of sloths in the same way again!
  9. Once during sex, as I was climaxing, I shouted ‘That’s finger-licking good!’
    Kernel Sanders would approve that message!
  10. One time while having sex with my ex, I read a psychology book out loud so my parents wouldn’t get suspicious.”

In the mood to make some uncontrollable animal/Chewbacca noises? Come have some Freudian experiences with us!

Here are more awkward sex confessions.

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