The Craziest Things Women Put In Their Pussies Last Year

ivankaIt seems that every year vaginal trends get even weirder. From glitter capsules to cucumber cleanses, there are some truly bizarre products for the pussy out there. Here are the craziest things women put in their pussies in 2017.

  1. Wasp nests
    Actual insect nests were ground into a paste and sold on Etsy to “heal episiotomy cuts, rejuvenate the uterine wall and clean out the vagina.” The listing has since been deleted because, you know, wasp nests are not meant to be put into vaginas.
  2. Cucumber cleanse
    These were meant to “help sanitize and maintain a pleasant odor.” Hot tip: it doesn’t work.
  3. Vicks VapoRub
    Some claim it’s both a “cleaner” and a sex-booster. Good luck with that!
  4. Lipstick glue
    The man who invented it says it helps clean the “self-cleaning shower drain” also known as the pussy. Any man who refers to a woman’s pussy as a “drain” should not be selling vaginal products, just FYI.
  5. Glitter
    Passion Dust Intimacy Capsules dissolve when placed in the vagina and release “sparkling candy-flavored passion dust.” Despite going viral, these glitter capsules are not doctor-approved or safe to insert inside your pussy.

You know what the best thing is for your pussy this new year? Sex, and lots of it, on NiteFlirt!

Check out more of the weirdest things women put in their pussies in 2017:

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