The Health Benefits of BDSM

Not that long ago—as in before the DSM of Mental Disorders in 2013—kinky sex, BDSM, and fetishism were considered a mental disorder among health professionals. But now, thanks in part to the popularity of Fifty Shades of Grey, kinky sex has become more accepted and more mainstream. A study showed that 36% of adults have used bondage, which is a good thing because, as it turns out, BDSM has a host of health benefits. Here are some:


  1. Improved Mental Health
    A 2013 study looked at the psychological characteristics of kinksters to determine whether they were psychologically damaged in some way. The study found not only were they fine psychologically, but were actually more well adjusted than their vanilla counterparts! “Overall, the BDSM sample felt more secure in their relationships and had an increased sense of well-being. They were more conscientious toward others, more extraverted, more open to trying new experiences, had decreased anxiety, and were less sensitive to others perception.”
  2. Less Stress
    Research shows that practitioners of BDSM enter an altered state of consciousness similar to meditation, yoga, or “runner’s high.” These types of activities lessen the stress hormone cortisol, which protects against high blood pressure, suppressed immunity, and insulin resistance.
  3. Better Cognitive Function
    Pain reduces function in the limbic and prefrontal areas of the brain, which affects working memory and executive control. Researchers found that during BDSM sessions, blood flow to these areas were reduced, resulting in an altered state of consciousness. Those in the BDSM community call this “subspace” for submissives, and “topspace” or “flow” for dominants. Kinksters consider it both an enjoyable experience, and a spiritual one.
  4. Improved Relationships
    Researchers looking into couple bonding in BDSM found that participating in successful sadomasochistic scenes increases the feelings of connectedness and intimacy for partners. It also releases dopamine, which is the feel good hormone you experience when first falling in love. This because of the novelty and excitement BDSM can bring to a relationship, which is similar to having a thrilling adventure together!

Feel like having some kinky fun and helping your health? Come have an enjoyable and possibly spiritual experience right here!

Check out more about the health benefits of BDSM.


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