The ‘Kink Test’ Goes Viral On TikTok

TikTok is getting kinkier. Users en masse are sharing the results of an online questionnaire that offers a breakdown of their sexual type. While many TikTok users are referring to the quiz as the “Kink Test,” it is formally called the BDSM Test and was founded in 2014 with the mission of helping “beginning kinksters determine which labels are or aren’t suitable for them.”

The “fun and educational test” comes in two forms, a “short and simple test, with reasonable accuracy,” and a “maximum accuracy” version recommended for those “strongly into BDSM.” Test takers rank a series of statements on a scale of absolutely disagree to absolutely agree, including: “I prefer making the sexual decisions for my partner, as this gives me more control,” “I enjoy it when people watch me being naked or having sex” and “I would like to have sex with multiple people at the same time.” The site then ranks the taker’s sexual qualities by percentage and tells them to what degree they’re, among other answers, a voyeur, submissive, vanilla, a brat, a sadist, an exhibitionist and a masochist.

Feeling kinky? Come take the NiteFlirt Test!

Check out more about the “Kink Test” going viral on TikTok:

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