The Man Who Played Barney Now Owns A Tantric Sex Business

best_phone_sex_fifty_shades_of_grey.jpgYou remember Barney, the lovable purple dinosaur who filled our hearts with joy each morning in the ’90s? Well, as it turns out, the man inside the costume now runs a tantric sex business! David Joyner, aka Barney from 1991 to 2001, recently talked with Vice about how tantric sex combines passion, love, and consciousness to transform sex into profound meditation.

He told Vice, “When the lingam [penis] and the yoni [vagina] meet, there’s a certain energy that takes place that hands on the body alone cannot create.” Barney, ahem, Joyner added that “When you go down on a woman (orally), it should be just like you’re saying grace, like blessing the food you’re about to receive.” Well, it’s fair to say Barney’s still spreading joy!

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Check out more about Barney’s tantric sex business:

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