The Mushroom That Makes Women Instantly Orgasm

mushroompenisThe medicinal value of certain plants and herbs are well known, and they’ve been used as a healing remedy for people for thousands of years. But it was only recently that scientists discovered a very important type of fungus that has the potential to heal women all over the world—by making them cum! The bright orange mushroom, which appears to only grow on Hawaiian lava flows that are 600 to 1,000 years old, has been shown to induce spontaneous orgasms in the women who smell it.

The two scientists who discovered the fungus back in 2001 said that the fungus is known as a “potent female aphrodisiac when smelled.” According to their research, which was published in the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, half of the female test subjects “experienced spontaneous orgasms while smelling this mushroom.” The scientists believe that the compounds found in the fungus’s spores could be similar to the neurotransmitters fired off during a hot, mind-blowing orgasm. Nature, you sexy beast!

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Here’s more about the fungus that makes women instantly orgasm!

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