The Power of Aphrodisiacs Is In Your (Naughty) Imagination

8681037501_3f9daa5066_mHave you ever gotten turned on watching your lover slurp down an oyster, or gotten hot when eating a chili pepper? Well, what if we told you that science doesn’t have an explanation for why known aphrodisiacs like oysters and chiles rev up the sex drive? Shocking, right? Scientists believe that the power of so-called “love foods” are all in your head, literally: your imagination is what’s turning you on, not anything in the food per se.

While certain foods do have some chemicals or nutrients that make you feel sexy, like how chili raises your metabolism and releases feel-good endorphins not unlike those tingly, hot sensations during sex, nothing in food inherently would make you have a virile sex drive. Instead, the associations of food with sex or the experience of eating certain types of love foods could be what’s actually triggering your desire. Even the way food feels and looks—like the creaminess of an avocado, or the way it hangs down in round pairs—could spark your libido and make you hungry for action. So, really, sexual innuendo and your own dirty imagination are the true aphrodisiacs!

Hankering for something tasty to spark your imagination? We’ve got everything to turn you on right here!

Check out more about aphrodisiacs here.

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