The Precise Amount Of Time It Takes A Woman To Orgasm, According To Science

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sex9A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine used a stopwatch to measure the time it took women to climax—and found the magic number is 13:46 minutes. For eight weeks, a group of 645 women from 20 countries set their sexy-time stopwatches each time they got it on. Researchers found that only 31.4 percent of participants climaxed through penetrative sex, while 68.6 percent of the ladies needed some other form of action, including kissing, “light biting” or touching other body parts.

Some positions were more effective than others, with woman on top as the most popular for cumming— 42.2 percent of ladies said this was the most optimal for them. Relationship status didn’t matter either, since it took about the same time for both married and unmarried women to finish. Another interesting finding: women who wear socks during fucking can increase their pleasure.

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Check out more about a study measuring the precise time it takes women to reach orgasm:

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