The Scientific Reason Why Men Fall Asleep After Sex

Science has a reason why so many men fall asleep after getting it on. In both men and women, sexual stimulation has been proven to boost brain activity. When we have sex we tend to be relaxed and in turn, we release a lot of stress and anxiety that may have been building up throughout the day.

But when looking at why men seem to fall asleep faster, it’s actually due to a cocktail of chemicals released when they cum. It’s the release of prolactin that makes a particular difference as this is linked to the feeling of sexual satisfaction: “This suggests a strong link between prolactin and sleep, so it’s likely that the hormone’s release during orgasm causes men to feel sleepy,” experts explain. They add, “For unknown reasons, intercourse orgasms release four times more prolactin than masturbatory orgasms.”

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Check out more about the scientific reason men fall asleep after sex:

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