The Sex Toy For Your Apple Watch

s4zit0fxdi7wp0exkgx4Sex toy manufacturer Lovense decided to create something even more exciting for the new Apple watch—a high-tech sex toy that can be connected to it. It’s called Blush, and already it has raised $10,000 on Indiegogo. The sex toy can be connected to your Apple watch and your partner‘s Apple watch for some seriously entertaining good times.

Blush can be controlled from up to 30 feet away through your smart phone or Apple watch, which makes it stand out from other sex toy apps. It’s also great for long-distance sex: if both phones are connected to the Internet, the vibrator can be any distance from your partner’s phone. You or your partner can also control the types of sensations you get (pulse, wave, etc.), and it can even be synced up to music or ambient noise to create whatever types of vibrations you’re hankering for. Blush will sell for around $90 in stores, but you can get it for $39 on Indiegogo. And just like Apple, this sex toy is promising to take Bluetooth technology for sex toys to the next level.

Feel like having some innovative and entertaining experiences yourself? We can make you blush right here!

Check out more about the sex toy for your Apple watch here.

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