The Solar Eclipse Had A Big Impact On Porn Searches

It’s definitely clear by now that people will search for whatever porn might be tied to a big cultural event (think presidential candidate porn during the election, for example). But surprisingly, the recent solar eclipse did not have that effect—it seems people actually went outside to view the rare celestial event instead of searching for the best eclipse-themed adult entertainment! Porn site xHamster reported a huge drop in traffic all over the country around and during the eclipse.

Traffic from 7350054890_99bf861756_othe cities in the path of totality dropped as much as 50%, but even cities that only got to see a partial eclipse saw dramatic drops in xHamster traffic. According to the site, traffic soared right afterward—jumping to 85%! “It just goes to show that porn stars can never compete with real stars.” said xHamster. “Of course, you won’t burn your eyes looking at ours.”

Want to witness an awesome sight? Wait till you see what effect NiteFlirt has on you!

Check out more about the solar eclipse’s impact on porn searches:

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