The Surprising Time Of Day Most People Have Sex

white-1822497_640Even though there’s no wrong time during the day to go at it—and sometimes it just happens—there does seem to be a more popular time. According to a new survey, most people are having morning sex. You know the old saying: the early bird gets the fuck!

The survey looked at data from 2,000 couples to find the 10 most and least popular times during the week to fuck, and they found the most popular time was 9 a.m. on Sunday. Not surprisingly, the most popular times to bang are on the weekend, preferably in the morning but also at night. The least popular time is Monday at 4:45 p.m (shocking!). So there you have it: breakfast can wait!

Looking to get your day started off right? Morning, noon, or night—NiteFlirt is ready anytime!

Check out more about the most popular times to have sex:

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