The Types Of People Who Have The Most Sex

hotgirlbikeA recent study looked at relationship data for nearly 7,000 over-50’s to explore the types of people who have the highest number of sex partners over their lifetime. It seems athletic women get laid a lot more often than couch potatoes, with 73 percent more likely to have fucked at least 10 partners. Researchers also found that drinkers and smokers were more than twice as likely to have 10-plus lovers.

Other interesting data: around one in five men said they had double-digit conquests, compared with one in 12 women. Men in the bottom and top earnings brackets also had the most partners. And female bisexuals and gay men are more likely to have had a higher-than-average number of sexual partners. So there you have it: after work, go to the gym and then stop off at the gay bar!

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Check out more about the types of people who have the most sex:

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