The U.S. Bible Belt Loves ‘Big Black Dick,’ According to Pornhub

BBCIn a recent analysis of Pornhub’s gay male content, statistics show America’s Bible Belt sure does love its black gay porn. “The analysis focused on the 3% of U.S. visitors who go directly to the gay male section of the site, and excluded the large number of lesbian videos viewed on Pornhub,” reports Gaily Grind. They broke down the analysis by each state, and the results were pretty surprising.

Southern states like Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana made up the places that watch the most gay porn, just behind New York and the District of Columbia. These Bible Belt states also watched the most black gay porn, including categories like “big black dick” and “black daddy.” Interestingly, the word “black” is the most widely searched for term under the gay porn category. Pornhub also looked at the top 20 gay categories across the U.S., and found that after “black,” the most popular categories were “Straight guys,” “Bareback” and “Big Dick” videos. Southern states do it better!

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1 Response to The U.S. Bible Belt Loves ‘Big Black Dick,’ According to Pornhub

  1. Noah Edelson says:

    So you are telling me that the guys who tried their hardest to keep anti “racial mixing” laws around until the late 90s and carried out lynchings and cross burnings after their plantation owner grandparents sometimes beat slaves to death are now somehow in love with black men’s prodigious members, and hate black men because they can’t get the nerve up to ask one out on a date? I tell you one thing, and that is that plantation owners probably shouldn’t have selected for the strongest black men with the biggest packages often back in the day, thinking that because the slave was their property- the size of his junkl was actually a reflection of the owner’s masculinity. Oh, Irony of ironies. No way that could go wrong.

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