The World’s First Naked Gym

How would you feel doing squats, push-ups, and hand-stands completely naked? Would you find the experience liberating, or would you feel awkward having your body parts flapping around? Well, five South African nudists have decided an au naturel gym is the place for them, and they’ve made a video to explain why (watch below). As they say, why wear clothes when getting naked is so much less inhibiting?

Okay, so the video’s a sexy viral spoof. But it does give an idea of what a naked gym might actually look like (spoiler: a lot of cock and balls!). “I joined this gym because I love the idea of being naked,” says a satisfied customer. “Adam and Eve were naked — I don’t see what’s wrong? I’m very comfortable with it.” The gym’s only female customer adds: “I guess it is kind of weird being the only female in the gym, but I kind of like it. I like all the attention that I never got from my old gym.” What better way to get fit and enjoy every second of it than at the world’s first naked gym?

Want to shed your constricting clothes and get a good workout? You don’t need a membership for that at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about the world’s first naked gym in the video below or read more about it at the gaily grind:


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