There’s A New ‘Tiny Penis’ Emoji

wtf-1780728_640People have long-ago figured out how to turn seemingly innocuous emojis into raunchy symbols. First there was the eggplant emoji, and now there’s the ‘pinching hand’ emoji. “Finally, an emoji to explain how small my ex used to be down there,” tweeted @fifthdumbledore after the new images were released.

The hand gesture suggesting someone has a ‘tiny penis’ is among 230 new emojis released for 2019. The Unicode Consortium, the organization behind the new emojis, says the new pic is supposed to be a ‘pinching hand’ gesture, meaning a ‘small amount’ — but Twitter users aren’t buying it. “FINALLY a small dick emoji,” tweeted Twitter user @KathBarbadoro. For something so tiny, this new emoji seems like the next big thing!

In the mood for something fun and raunchy? You’ll find just what you’re looking for here!

Check out more about the new ‘tiny penis’ emoji:

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