There’s an Evolutionary Reason To Go Down On Your Woman

Some men just really really love to eat pussy—which, from an evolutionary perspective, actually works out in their favor. While closing that unfair orgasm gap is enough of a reason to go down on your partner (or simply out of common courtesy), Charles Darwin is giving you another reason. Women might have evolved to stay with partners who perform cunnilingus, Medical Daily suggests.


Oral sex can heighten arousal and, as a result, overall sexual satisfaction. This could explain why a sexually satisfied woman who’s getting good head would choose to stay with her partner instead of finding another. According to Medical Daily, there’s research to back up this theory: “The research showed that men who were most likely to report getting their partner to orgasm during oral sex were more likely to think their woman was sought after by other men. Therefore, the more eager men are to please partners believed to have better options the more likely they may be to perform cunnilingus to keep their mates from cheating.” In other words, if women are getting off enough with their current sex partners—which is more likely to happen when they’re getting plenty of good head—they might be less likely to cheat. Thanks for the good news, Darwin!

Looking for some satisfaction? You don’t need an evolutionary reason to get some good good lovin’!

Check out more about the evolutionary reason to go down on your woman here:

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