There’s Now a Fitbit-Style Smart Condom

Image Source: British CondomsThe latest in sex technology is a smart condom that measures a man’s performance in bed. The I.Con Smart Condom is a reusable, one-size-fits-all rubber bracelet that logs data during sex. It tracks anything from the number of calories burned to the speed of a man’s thrusts and how long he lasts, according to the lead engineer.

The band slides onto the base of the penis and is used with a normal condom for protection. “We wanted the i.Con to look refined, non-intrusive and lightweight – the finished article is nothing short of any of those things,” he said. “There is absolutely no hindrance to the user and that was our main goal.” But what’s most impressive is how the gadget is able to detect STD’s as well as “prevent condom slippage.” The $74 gadget hits the market in January 2018 and is available for preorder on the company website.

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Check out more about the new smart condom:

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