These Are The Best And The Worst Lovers In The World

white-1822497_640If you’ve ever wondered how Americans measure up to the rest of the world when it comes to skill in the bedroom, we’ve got the answer. An online dating company surveyed 22,753 members to find out which country has the best and worst lovers in the world, both male and female. “To collect the data, Saucy Dates asked their members to rank the last person they slept with from 0 (worst ever) to 10 (best ever) – and to reveal that lover’s country of origin,” reports NY Post.

As it turns out, American men and women ended up ranked among the best lovers overall, with a score of 8 or “very good” for both ladies and gents. Ranked the worst were Kiwi men, scoring a measly 4 (bad). The researchers explain that they had a very logical reason for conducting the study: “If you ever find yourself in the fortunate position of having two offers and not knowing which to take then may be use our stats to help you pick!”

Looking for a “very good” experience? You won’t be disappointed at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about the best and the worst lovers in the world:

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