These Places Are Really Into Redhead Porn

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_japangirlWith porn, there’s a category for pretty much everything—and that includes fiery hardcore redheads! Pornhub just released data on which places really love to see gingers getting it on. And, as it turns out, the states that just can’t enough hot redhead action are Montana, Wyoming, and Alaska (with Texas, New Jersey, and Florida the least interested in ginger lovin’).

They also looked at which countries have a boner for redheads and, not surprisingly, Czech Republic, Ireland, and the UK were at the top of the list—places where redheads already happen to live. And apparently, men aged 18-24 and 45-54 are the ones who want to see redheads getting down the most. We mean, with those cute freckles, what’s not to love?

Looking for something fiery yourself? You don’t need Pornhub to find some hot action!

Check out more about Pornhub’s stats on the places that love redhead porn here:

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