These Simple Exercises Improve Sex

If you want to boost your sex life, start by moving your body—out of the bedroom. “It’s important to remember that sex is movement, and it’s exercise,” the director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at the Indiana University School of Public Health told the New York Times. “Your muscles don’t judge—to them, sex is just like any other workout. And as with most other workouts, the more in shape you are, the better it will feel, the pros encourage you,” they add.

Cardiovascular health and sexual health go hand in hand, a doctor said—our cardiovascular system powers two bodily functions that are essential to a good sex life. For men, it’s erections; for women, it’s vaginal lubrication. “I love kettlebell swings for sexual training,” they said, citing “a rhythmic movement of flexion and extension in the hips.” Doctors say “Any movement that’s bringing your chest closer towards your knees,” is good movement.

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