These Synthetic Life-Size Male Sex Dolls Are The Hottest New Sex Toy Around

Image Source: Sinthetics on Twitter

Image Source: Sinthetics on Twitter

Looking for a sexual partner that will do whatever you want him to—and look exactly how you want him to? Look no further than the US company Sinthetics, which manufactures life-size silicone sex dolls specifically tailored to your tastes and fantasies. The dolls are not only uncannily life-like, but they also come with interchangeable flaccid and erect penises in whatever size, shape, color, etc. you choose.

These obedient sex companions will never cheat on you, and because you can manipulate them however you want, you can endlessly indulge all your naughtiest sexual fantasies. Of course, creating the man (or slave) of your dreams comes with a hefty price-tag: male Sinthetics start at $5,900 plus shipping, and any upgrades will add to the final price tag. The company also sells female sex dolls, but the male ones with shockingly realistic details such as cut or uncut penises, varied scrotum size, pubic hair and nipples will be the hottest and coolest thing you see all day.

Want to indulge your sexual fantasies? Come get exactly what you want right here!

Check out more about shockingly realistic male sex dolls on the GailyGrind

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