This 3D-Printed Scrotum Sculpture Lets You Go Balls To the Wall

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_steelballsDo you love art and balls? If so, we’ve got the perfect Indiegogo campaign for you! Brian Sloan, the person who brought you the Most Beautiful Anus and Balls Contest, is now funding his latest sex-centric endeavor, “Wall Balls.” The Daily Dotexplains, “The product is a wall-mountable (lol) fiberglass sculpture of a scrotum emerging from the front of someone’s fly. It weighs six pounds, and can be yours for $59.”

According to Sloan, the campaign will “bring to life” the 3D-printed scrotum of the Balls Contest’s third place winner. Sadly, it seems the first and second place winners do not live in places willing to let them use 3D machines to print balls. Sloan needs 100 orders to bring Wall Balls to life, which he says is for people “who love art” or “are awesome.” Or, apparently, can’t get a 3D-printing company to scan their own scrotums.

Looking to get “balls to the wall” yourself? Come get creative right here!

Check out more about the 3D-printed scrotum sculpture on Indiegogo:

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