This 83-Year-Old Man Just Made His Gay Porn Debut

gaypo0rnA new gay porn company called wants to reinvent the genre with its latest porn star: an 83-year-old man named Norm. introduced the world to Norm on their Youtube channel to prove they’re not about typical gay porn content. The racy video they recently previewed called “Blessing of the Elder” shows Norm rubbing his body and masturbating.

“In the gay world, it often seems like youth is the only currency of value. Norm, and so many gay men like him, have so much to offer our community—including wisdom, experience and, yes, beauty,” the video’s producer said. Norm says that he came out later in life, and is now having the best sex of his life. hopes that with the help of Norm, the porn site can expand people’s mind around elders and sexuality: “Passionate, powerful, and ecstatic sex isn’t just for young people. It’s for all of us.”

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Check out more about the 83-year-old gay porn star:

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